Yumi will play as a guest performer at a solon concert at the resort inn, Wa!!" on Oct. 16, 2016. "Hommage a C.M.von Weber" by B.Kovacs and some pieces for the clarinet and the piano will be perfomed, along with other pieces for the pianists. Placed in the countryside in the area of Kobuchizawa resort, the salon has a nice view especially enjoyable in the season of Autumn.
開演(show start): 3PM
Clarinet: 伊藤 優美 Yumi Ito
Piano: 花岡 美智 Michi Hanaoka
Piano & Sanshin(三線): 角田 真樹子 Makiko Tsunoda
♪ Bela Kovacs: Hommage a C.M. von Weber (clarinet)
♪ L.v.Beethoven: Septet op.20 (piano four hands), etc.