
Season's Greetings

Yumi wishes you all a happy new year!
The year 2017 was a successful year for Yumi to have her own radio program, to launch a music festival, and to be able to come back to New York.
Thank you always for your generous support!


Interviewed for the program on the SBC

Yumi was interviewed for the TV program on the SBC, the TV station based in Nagano. She will be featured to introduce the local wood wind atelier which has supported her life as the clarinet player for more than ten years. The program will be at 11:24amon Sep.4th, 2016.

長野県にお住まいの皆さま、SBC信越放送、2016年9月4日11時24分~の番組「まちの翼~信州きらり人」をご覧ください! 伊藤が高校生の頃からお世話になっている「浅井管楽器工房」の浅井保さんを紹介するショートドキュメンタリー番組です。伊藤も浅井さんの魅力について、少しお話しさせていただきました♪